Essay Writing
Essay Samples

There is a lot of bad happening in the world right now. Record wildfires are devastating the west, an earth quake in Haiti, flooding in Europe, hurricane season is underway, and then there is the situation in Afghanistan. On top of all of it, Covid isn't going way. In times like this it is easy to resort to "doom-scrolling," where one has a tendency to surf or scroll through bad news. "Negativity is contagious and unsatisfying. After reading devastating news , we tend to want to read more.Unfortunately, this cycle can be detrimental to our outlook on life and our mental health. (Thesis)
Bad News Leads
Due to the streaming nature of social media, people might be experiencing mental health effects by seeing more bad news related to current events due to a phenomenon known as the 'Mean World Syndrome.' That is, the more bad news people consume through social media, the more likely they are to think situations are worse than they are leading to mental anguish and possibly depression. For instance, reading more about the fall of Afghanistan or the rise in Covid-19 breakthrough cases in those who are vaccinated, might lead to feelings of despair."
Staying Connected
The other issue is that the ongoing pandemic has continued to limit physical social interaction, and many people use social media to fill the void to maintain personal connections.
The problem is that especially for those who don't have regular social contact, who may have continued to work from home – or even for those who are trying to return to normal – the constant feed of negativity is taking its toll on one's well being. But it also becomes addictive.
Staying Positive
Some ways to combat the mental stress of doomscrolling would be to limit the amount of time you spend reading the news on social media. For instance, read the content on your social media feed for a half an hour each morning and do not check it again until the next day.Creating a habit of checking your state of mind or mood is a good first step to becoming your own best mental health coach. Once individuals create healthy habits, they are taking ownership of their mental health and are reducing the chances of having negative events significantly impacting daily functioning.
In conclusion , there are some ways to mitigate the detrimental effects of doom-scrolling . Exercise to de-stress through lifting weights, yoga, or going for a jog. Go for a walk or a picnic outside to green spaces. A change of scenery especially outdoors WILL help you to transition away from electronic devices. Try filling your time with a hobby that you enjoy that does not involve electronic devices such as knitting, painting, doing a puzzle, and/or playing a board game with family."
by Peter Suciu